In the mid-1990s, there was a brief spate of feature films directed by Pictures Generation artists (David Salle, Robert Longo), with notable casts (Dennis Hopper, Barbara Sukowa, Henry Rollins, Rosanna Arquette, Griffin DunneKeanu Reeves), released by major distributors.

One of the best is Cindy Sherman’s OFFICE KILLER, starring Carol Kane, Jeanne Tripplehorn, and Molly Ringwald.

On Thursday night, July 6, Dahlia Schweitzer—author of Cindy Sherman’s Office Killer: Another Kind of Monster—will introduce a screening of the film at the Echo Park Film Center.

OFFICE KILLER, Thursday, July 6, at 8 pm.

ECHO PARK FILM CENTER, 1200 North Alvarado Street, Los Angeles.

Molly Ringwald in Office Killer (1997), directed by Cindy Sherman.


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