Acropolis presents EL MAR LA MAR, a documentary mood-piece written, designed, produced, directed, photographed, and edited by Joshua Bonnetta and J. P. Sniadecki.
“An immersive and enthralling journey through the Sonoran Desert on the U.S.-Mexico border, EL MAR LA MAR weaves together harrowing oral histories of intense, mythic experiences in the desert with hand-processed 16mm images of flora, fauna and items left behind by travelers. A sonically rich soundtrack adds to the eerie atmosphere as the call of birds and other nocturnal noises invisibly populate the austere landscape. Bonnetta and Sniadecki have created an experience of the border region like nothing you’ve seen, heard, or felt before.”*
EL MAR LA MAR, Tuesday, February 27, at 8 pm.
DOWNTOWN INDEPENDENT, 251 South Main Street, downtown Los Angeles.
El mar la mar (2017), directed by Joshua Bonnetta and J. P. Sniadecki.