The Dumas and Flaubert-derived title of the Air de Paris exhibition HOUSE OF GAGA—20 YEARS LATER (A SENTIMENTAL EDUCATION) refers to the year in the late 1990s when Fernando Mesta joined Air de Paris to do an internship.

Ten years later, Mesta and José Rojas founded House of Gaga in Mexico City. This Air de Paris show celebrates the gallery and two decades of art by Julien Ceccaldi, Nicolas Ceccaldi, Trisha Donnelly, Bruno Pelassy, Vivian Suter, and Danny McDonald (Mended Veil).

Through June 15.
Air de Paris
32, rue Louise Weiss, 13th, Paris.
In October 2019, Air de Paris will move to the Komunuma art center in Romainville, Seine-Saint-Denis.

House of Gaga—20 Years Later (A Sentimental Education), Air de Paris, from top: Julien Ceccaldi, Hooded Corpse, 2018, skeleton model, melted plastic, chicken wire, synthetic wig, hoodie, underwear, socks, slipper and woodstain, and acrylic paint; Bruno Pelassy, untitled, 2000-2001, silk, silicone, beads, lace, in an aquarium; Nicolas Ceccaldi, untitled, 2017, crucifix, holographic vinyl, plastic frame; Mended Veil (2), 1999–2019, mixed media; ; Bruno Pelassy, untitled, 1995, glass beads, nylon, wood; Vivian Suter, untitled and undated, acrylic, glue and mud on canvas; Julien Ceccaldi, Secret Base—10 years later, 2019, acrylic on canvas. Artwork and images courtesy and © the artists, the photographers, House of Gaga, and Air de Paris.