Tunde Johnson cannot die. But he can’t live, either. On the last night of his life, he is killed by a police officer. Whereupon he immediately wakes up in bed earlier that morning, destined to relive the day again, each time a little differently. Sometimes death comes in the afternoon, on the street, in his car, or on the beach. He’s either alone, or with his best friend Marley, or her boyfriend Soren—who also happens to be sleeping with Tunde.
In THE OBITUARY OF TUNDE JOHNSON, writer Stanley Kalu and director Ali LeRoi have fashioned an ingenious narrative whereby his protagonist gets to live each day like it’s his last—until he gets it right. Starring Steven Silver as Tunde, Nicola Peltz as Marley, and Spencer Neville as Soren, this 2020 Outfest Los Angeles world premiere won this year’s Audience Award for Debut Narrative Feature.
To watch the encore screening this week, please see link below.

2020 Outfest Los Angeles
Streaming Thursday, September 3, for 24 hours, from 12 am to 11:59 pm.

Ali LeRoi, The Obituary of Tunde Johnson (2019), from top: Steven Silver; Spencer Neville (left) and Silver; The Obituary of Tunde Johnson poster; Silver and Neville; Silver. Images courtesy and © TOOTJ, LLC.