Queer cop One: “If I died, you’d just replace me with another me.”
Queer cop Two: “I value your memories of me too much for that.” – from Replicant vs. Separatist, by Alexandro Segade
In REPLICANT VS. SEPARATIST, the police enforce strict same-sex marriage codes among a rebellious populace. The stories of these dissidents—mutant queers joined by a feminist underground—are fleshed out in OTHER BOYS AND OTHER STORIES, (aka BOY BAND AUDITION). A third piece, HOLO LIBRARY, examines the surveillance state.
Alexandro Segade brings the three parts of his speculative saga together in FUTURE ST., a performance work that, in the words of its author, “resists the genre it uses in order to reflect my own ambivalence at having my imagination disfigured by the spectacles [e.g. Blade Runner] I saw as a kid….These commercial properties owned by corporations repeatedly imagine a straight white future, which is in itself an act of violence. I want to think about something else.”
This week, the Tip of Her Tongue series at The Broad presents two performances of ALEXANDRO SEGADE’S FUTURE ST., with its author directing a New York–based cast that includes C. Bain, Lisa Corinne Davis, Nicholas Gotham, Jamel Tyre Mack, and BrianMcQueen.
FUTURE ST. features a live DJ set by Alexandro’s brother Mateo Segade—with music composed by Mateo and Scott Martin—and videos by Amy Ruhl, Daniel Leyva, and Robert Hickerson.
ALEXANDRO SEGADE’S FUTURE ST., Thursday and Friday, June 1 and 2, at 8:30 pm.
OCULUS HALL, THE BROAD, 221 South Grand Avenue, downtown Los Angeles
See Anna Gallagher-Ross’ Bard interview with Alexandro Segade:

(Top), Other Boys and Other Stories, at Vox Populi, in Philadelphia, 2011. (Middle and bottom), Future St., by Alexandro Segade (second from right).
Image credits: Alexandro Segade and The Broad