“I like the idea of remembering these men. They’re not the centerfolds. They always saved the best looking man for the centerfold. These are the other men. The filler. The forgettable ones you flick past on the way to the feature. And isn’t that a stunning metaphor for life?” — Philip Iosca on EXQUISITE CORPS, his new book from Printed Matter
“In 2012, Iosca inherited a trunk filled with gay pornography from a friend of a friend who had died of AIDS nearly a decade earlier. After retrieving the material from a storage unit, Iosca felt a strong responsibility to create something from the material, both to honor a man he’d never met and the many other men like him.
Iosca began by taking the magazines apart with the idea of creating new signatures out of their pages, and, in the process, ‘found’ these images. The compositions are the result of the pagination required for offset-printing a saddle-stitched publication, and each magazine yielded just a handful (or less) of the composite images.”*
BOOK LAUNCH and SIGNING, Saturday, May 27, 1 pm to 3 pm.
ACE HOTEL, 20 West 29th Street, New York City.
printed matter.org
EXQUISITE CORPS, published in an edition of 350 copies, is part of Printed Matter‘s Emerging Artist Publication Series, which is made possible with the support of the Jerome Foundation and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.

Exquisite Corpse, by Philip Iosca
Image credit: Printed Matter