Yellow Cabin Saturday Night Remittent Fever
Re: Yellow Cabin Saturday Night Remittent Fever
Martin, Jonathan,
Thanks, I’m glad you like the poem but it doesn’t exist.
Unless it only consists in its title. I mean its name. Cause it didn’t get much further in my hands than a fucking name.
According to Wikipedia, it should refer to an equivocal yet acute disease:
variable fevers affecting primates, something to do with complexion, and confinement too,
and with Tony, in the movie, when he dances at 2001 Odyssey, in Bay Ridge, after his shift at the hardware store.
Its temperature fluctuates in the shape of tiny crenels, a bit above normal.
This poem doesn’t exist but it’s available.
Hope to catch up this winter,
Charles Veyron
at Gaudel de Stampa
3, rue de Vaucouleurs 75011 Paris
September 19 – October 25
by appointment