Tag Archives: Kettle’s Yard


Support your independent press. The LA ART BOOK FAIR 2020 has moved online, with links to all scheduled exhibitors and publishers.

From top: AA Bronson, After General Idea, courtesy and © the artist and Three Star Books, Paris; Jill Johnston, The Disintegration of a Critic, edited by Fiona McGovern, Megan Francis Sullivan, and Axel Wieder, courtesy and © Sternberg Press; Daido Moriyama, Visions of Japan, courtesy and © the artist and Komiyama, Tokyo; Linder, The Myth of the Birth of the Hero IV, 2012, courtesy and © Linder Sterling, Modern Art, London, Dépendance, Brussels, Andréhn-Schiptjenko, Stockholm and Paris, and Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, New York, and Tokyo (Linder, Linderism, Cambridge: Kettle’s Yard, 2020); McKenzie Wark, Reverse Cowgirl (2020), courtesy and © the author and Semiotext(e); Matthew Brannon, Avery Singer, 2015, courtesy and © the artist, JRP Ringier, and Art Catalogues.