Tag Archives: le Louvre


THE FOREIGNER’S HOME mixes footage from the events and exhibitions that took place at the Louvre during Toni Morrison’s guest curatorship in 2006 with present-day clips and interviews.

The documentary’s directors—Rian Brown and Geoff Pingree—will take part in a post-screening Q & A with Caroline Streeter.


Wednesday, January 16, at 7:30 pm.

Hammer Museum

10899 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles.

From top: Toni Morrison at the Louvre in 2006, image courtesy Rian Brown and Geoff Pingree; poetry slam at the Louvre, 2006.

WEEKLY WRAP UP | AUG. 25-29, 2014

Historic Farmer's Market, Los Angeles, 1960s

Historic Farmer’s Market, Los Angeles, 1960s

This week on the blog we saw one of the largest flowers in the world bloom at the Huntington Library & Gardens in Pasadena – Titan Arum a.k.a “The Corpse Flower.” We visited Le Louvre in Paris and took a look at the new installation in the Department of Decorative Art from Louis XIV to Louis XVI where we saw a beautiful gold coffee grinder. The British prog rock band Yes played at the Greek Theater in L.A. We marveled at the architecture of The Church of Notre-Dame du Raincy. We attended a screening of the must-see documentary for every Angelino – Los Angeles Plays Itself. We announced Michaela Eichwald’s exhibition of paintings and sculpture at Palais de Tokyo in ParisJana Euler at Kunsthalle Zürich, and Matias Faldbakken at Standard (Oslo). And, one of our favorite bookshops in Los Angeles – Family – reopened this past week with the launch of Sean Wilsey’s new book ‘More Curious.’




Last week I went to Le Louvre to visit the new installation of  the Department of Decorative Art from Louis XIV to Louis XVI.
Three main chronological and stylistic sequences make up the exhibition. So perfect to have an overview and to clear your mind between French Kings.
– 1660-1725: Louis XIV’s personal reign and the Régence
– 1725-55: development of the Rococo style
– 1755-90: return to Classicism and the reign of Louis XVI.

I found this coffee grinder in the middle of a thousand exhibits.
