In conjunction with her Met Breuer retrospective, Vija Celmins will join curator Ian Alteveer for a public conversation at the Met Fifth Avenue.

Thursday, October 10, at 6:30 pm.
Grace Rainey Rogers Auditorium
Metropolitan Museum of Art
1000 Fifth Avenue (83rd Street entrance), New York City.
See Susan Tallman on Celmins.

Vija Celmins, from top: the artist at Gemini G.E.L. in Los Angeles, 2002, photograph courtesy and © Sidney B. Felsen; To Fix the Image in Memory, 1977–1982, stones and painted bronze, eleven pairs; Night Sky #15, 2000–2001, oil on canvas; Japanese Book, 2007–2010, oil on canvas; Untitled (Moon Surface #1), 1969, graphite on acrylic ground on paper; Heater, 1964, oil on canvas; Shell, 2009–2010, oil on canvas; Suspended Plane, 1966, oil on canvas; Vase, oil on canvas; Lamp #1, 1964, oil on canvas; Envelope, 1964, oil on canvas; Untitled (Ocean), 1977, graphite on acrylic ground on paper. Images courtesy and © the artist and Matthew Marks Gallery.