Tag Archives: Timur and the Dime Museum


REDCAT is wrapping up its 2017 New Original Works festival with three performances of ARTAUD IN THE BLACK LODGE, which draws a musical-lyrical line from the great avant-garde dramatist/poet/director through the work of William S. Burroughs and David Lynch, and back again. This collaboration between composer David T. Little, librettist/poet Anne Waldman, the Isaura String Quartet, the operatic rock band Timur and The Dime Museum, and director Lydia Steier sounds like the highlight of the summer.

Also on the bill: BUTCH BALLET—writer/director Gina Young’s “love letter to female masculinity”—performed, sans ballet, with love and brilliance by Gino Conti, Jenn Crockett, Eli Eileen, Jess Imme, and CT Treibel; and C, a movement/video piece by Luis Lara Malvacías and Jeremy Nelson.*

ARTAUD IN THE BLACK LODGE, BUTCH BALLET, and C, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, August 10, 11, and 12. All shows at 8:30 pm.

REDCAT, DISNEY HALL, Music Center, downtown Los Angeles.

* redcat.org/event/now-festival-2017-week-three

See: Sylvère Lotringer, Mad Like Artaud (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2015).

Timur and The Dime Museum. Photograph by Jill Steinberg.

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