The Museum Ludwig exhibition TRANSCORPOREALITIES “reflects on the museum as a permeable body in which various biological, social, technological, political, and economic systems flow into each other. Like all human and nonhuman entities, it engages in perpetual metabolic processes with its environment.”
On opening night—as well as Saturday and Sunday, November 30 and December 1—Trajal Harrell will perform a new work Dancer of the Year.

TRANSCORPOREALITIES participating artists also include Jesse Darling, Flaka Haliti, Paul Maheke, Nick Mauss, Park McArthur, Oscar Murillo, and Sondra Perry.

Opening night:
Friday, September 20, at 8:30 pm.
Exhibition open through January 19.
Museum Ludwig
Heinrich-Böll-Platz, Cologne.

From top: Trajal Harrell, Dancer of the Year, 2019, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Centre Pompidou, Brussels, © Trajal Harrell, photograph by Orpheas Emirzas; Oscar Murillo, Human Resources, 2016 (detail), installation view, Carlos/Ishikawa, London, courtesy and © Oscar Murillo and Carlos/Ishikawa; Jesse Darling, Virgin Variations (working title, detail), 2019, courtesy and © Jesse Darling; Paul Maheke, Seeking after the fully grown dancer *deep within*, 2016–19, courtesy and © Paul Maheke and VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019, photograph by Henry Chan; Sondra Perry, Ecologue for [in]HABITABILITY, 2017–2019, installation view, Future Generation Art Prize, Venice, courtesy and © Sondra Perry, the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, and Bridget Donahue, New York; Flaka Haliti, What are they thinking that we thinking that they thinking we going to do next? #1, 2019 (draft), courtesy and © Flaka Haliti; Park McArthur, Polyurethane Foam, 2016, courtesy and © Park McArthur and Essex Street, New York and Lars Friedrich, Berlin. Below: Trajal Harrell. Images courtesy and © the artists, photographers, and institutions.