I’m interested in awkward operas; operas in which there are unsolved riddles… in which there’s a space—both musically and thematically—for a world to evolve and be imagined around the story. — William Kentridge
In conjunction with the upcoming Metropolitan Opera’s new production of Alban Berg’s WOZZECK—featuring production design by Kentridge—the artist will be at the Morgan Library and Museum for a talk about his work.

Sunday, December 1, at 3 pm.
Morgan Library and Museum
225 Madison Avenue (at 36th Street), New York City.

From top: William Kentridge in his Johannesburg studio, early movement rehearsal for Wozzeck; Peter Mattei in the title role; Elza van den Heever as Marie; Kentridge charcoal drawing backdrop; Kentridge in his studio; performers and Kentridge in his studio (3). Images courtesy and © the artist, the performers, the photographers and videographers, and the Metropolitan Opera.